Weave was founded in 2018 by Chad Martin, a brand designer who has been in the architectural world for over twenty years. Living in the details as buildings take shape, he has an understanding and awareness of the small moves that can change an average space to a unique one. With a focus in environmental branding, he is able to shape a space to create a memorable experience. With a passion for thoughtful placemaking, Chad founded Weave to help intertwine branding with the built environment.

A Quick Fact

Being small has its advantages. We are agile and responsive. The quicker we are brought in on a design opportunity, the faster our clients begin to develop a unique, competitive advantage. We have successfully delivered as many as 23 properties in the past 6 years. 95% of these properties sold within 6 months. From sketching ideas to implementation, we have work that stretches from Oregon to North Carolina, and throughout the southeastern U.S.

“Design Curiosity. It’s all about perspective. I’ve been a part of a number of design challenges along the way and I truly appreciate that my day to day activity is to be creative. Which most days comes down to problem solving or better being curious. Ask the why. And the how. If a detail or a space is designed in a thoughtful way, you can feel the difference. My scope of work changes daily, but my end goal stays the same. I want to deliver a solution that directly expresses that I listened to what was needed and desired. I test ideas, retest and then repeat - asking questions along the way. It’s really design thinking your way through each opportunity.”

- Chad Martin, Founder